Your home is more at risk for plumbing problems as the temperature outside begins to drop. By being aware of these issues, you can help reduce the chances of them happening in your home this winter season. However, keep in mind that it’s not always possible to prevent every issue from arising, no matter how much preventative maintenance you do. Winters in Ohio can be relentless, and unpredictable weather-related scenarios are inevitable. The winter weather is tough to handle sometimes, but with Miamisburg Plumbing & Drain‘s helpful tips, you’ll be better informed on how best to protect your plumbing system this winter season.  


  • FROZEN PIPES: Frozen pipes are more common in winter, but there are steps you can take to prevent this from happening. You can achieve this by letting your faucets drip overnight during very cold nights and wrapping exposed pipes in insulation material. Doing these things will reduce the chances of having plumbing issues later. 
  • TOILET OR DRAIN PROBLEMS: Unlike the rest of your plumbing system, toilets are vulnerable to winter problems. For example, frigid temperatures can result in leaks or a much slower flushing process. To combat this issue, only flush toilet paper and no other material down the loo. Furthermore, if the pipes leading up to your bathroom throne are accessible, pipe insulation is always recommended as well.  
  • LEAKS: No matter the size, don’t neglect a leak. If left alone, leaks will gradually get larger and cause extensive damage to your plumbing system. In freezing weather, water in pipes that aren’t insulated can freeze when it comes into contact with the air outside, which makes pipes susceptible to bursting. To avoid an unpleasant shock later, check your house now for dripping faucets or small leaks around toilets. If you have any leaky fixtures in your home, it’s best to take care of them as soon as possible so that you don’t have to think about them later on. The sooner you deal with the issue, the better. As the saying goes, “It’s better to be safe than sorry!” 
  • GUTTER & DRAIN PROBLEMS: Did you know that your gutters and drains are prone to damage from snow and ice? If these areas become blocked or frozen, it can create an obstruction that prevents melted snow from draining properly. This could then lead to plumbing issues with backed-up gutters and drains. To avoid this problem, you might want to replace any plastic outdoor drains with metal ones. Metal is much more durable than plastic and won’t break under the pressure of built-up ice. 
  • WATER HEATER PROBLEMS: It’s necessary to service and clean your water heater at least once a year, per industry standards. This also prevents sediment buildup and makes sure the water heater is running correctly. Water heaters are used more often in winter, so preventative maintenance is key to making sure yours can reach its full potential. 
  • DECREASED WATER PRESSURE: Did you know that during the winter, your home’s water pressure may drop? Since colder temperatures make the water flow more slowly, this can cause a decrease in indoor water pressure. That’s why we always recommend getting plumbing inspections at least once a year! 
  • SUMP PUMP PROBLEMS: Sump pumps are more likely to freeze after a large snowstorm. If you don’t take the right precautions, your sump pump could overflow when water begins to melt and then cause major damage. To prevent this from happening, make sure there’s nothing around the pump that could clog it if it falls in. You can also test its efficiency by pouring water into it directly; if the sump pump doesn’t activate, give us a call! 

This winter, let Miamisburg Plumbing & Drain take care of your plumbing needs! We offer a variety of services, from residential to emergency fixes. So, if you’re having problems with your plumbing system, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We’ll get it sorted out ASAP! Call today at (937) 705-0297, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!