8 Essential Tips for Conserving Water This Summer 

Water Consumption, Conservation, Faucet, Leak, Plumbing, Water Bill, Water Usage

Summer brings long, sunny days, backyard barbecues, and the challenge of keeping a lush, green garden under the hot sun. It’s also when water use spikes, straining this precious resource. Let’s be honest – our water bills! For homeowners wanting to reduce their environmental impact and possibly lower water bills, conserving water in these hot months is vital. Here are eight practical tips from Miamisburg Plumbing & Drain to help you save water this summer without sacrificing your lawn, garden, or comfort at home. 


Rinsing Produce in a Large Bowl or Container Instead of Running Water 

Clean your produce, whether it’s fresh tomatoes from your garden or squash from the local farmers’ market. Instead of running tap water over each item, fill a bowl with water and rinse them there. This saves water and you can reuse it to water your houseplants. 

Using Your Dishwasher When Possible Instead of Washing Dishes by Hand 

Washing dishes by hand can be calming for some, but it’s not always water-efficient. Modern, energy-efficient dishwashers often use less water than washing by hand, typically around 4 gallons per load. If you need to wash items by hand, avoid leaving the water running. Instead, fill one sink with wash water and another with rinse water. 

Did you know that washing dishes by hand can use up to 20 gallons of water? 

Thawing Your Frozen Food the Night Before 

Planning ahead can save water during meal times. Instead of using running water to thaw frozen foods, move them from the freezer to the fridge the night before. This method not only saves water usage but is a safe method for thawing food.  

Washing Laundry with the Intention   

  • Wash Only Full Loads – Running your washing machine only when it’s fully loaded maximizes efficiency, saving both water and energy. This delays the need for multiple washes and ultimately saves gallons of water. 
  • Stay Away from Using Permanent Press – The permanent-press cycle adds an extra rinse to protect clothes, using more water. So, unless it’s absolutely necessary to maintain your garments, try to avoid using this setting when you can. 

Watering Outdoor Plants and the Lawn in the Early Morning or Evening   

Watering your garden during the heat of the day leads to significant water loss due to evaporation. To make sure the water reaches the roots where it’s needed, water your plants early in the morning or later in the evening. This gives your plants a better chance to absorb the moisture. 

Keeping Your Pool Covered When It’s Not Being Used 

If you have a pool, covering it when not in use can greatly reduce water loss from evaporation. A pool cover also helps keep your pool clean and reduces the need for chemicals. 

Layering Your Mulch Heavily on Your Garden Beds   

Mulching your garden beds helps control weeds and retain soil moisture. A good layer of mulch reduces sun exposure, keeps the soil cool, and minimizes evaporation. This means you water less often and enjoy a healthier garden. 

Fixing Any Leaking Faucets and Fixtures Right Away   

A dripping faucet, a leaking outdoor spigot, or a constantly running toilet can waste a surprising amount of water over time. So, you should regularly check your indoor and outdoor fixtures for leaks and repair them promptly for your own benefit. 

Following these tips can greatly reduce your water usage this summer. Remember, saving water is important for both the environment and your budget. By using these methods, you can maintain a green garden and a comfortable home while helping to conserve a vital resource. 

Call Miamisburg Plumbing & Drain today at (937) 705-0297, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here